Unless specifically noted otherwise, all items on www.nc-wreckdiving.com are copyrighted material belonging to Paul M. Hudy and are not "free" or in the public domain. If you would like to use items from the www.nc-wreckdiving.com pages, below are the terms and conditions:
© Paul M. Hudy at www.nc-wreckdiving.com |
Below are a list of websites that have used copyrighted or other material from www.nc-wreckdiving.com without permission or without attribution, often claiming photos, drawings, written word or in even "experiences" as their own. In some instances, they have ripped-off entire pages - formating, content, etc. If you find other sites that may be using copyrighted or otherwise "ripped-off" material from www.nc-wreckdiving.com without permission or without proper attribution, please report them to bfdc@nc-wreckdiving.com.
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