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2025 BFDC Schedule and Sign-up Notes:

  • Dive Schedule was last updated on 01/10/2025 at 3:30 pm.
  • Dive schedule dates, scheduled destinations, costs are FINAL
  • SIGN-UPS will BEGIN ON JANUARY 17, 2025!
  • Dive signups requests are via email
  • Read Diving with the BFDC for policies and procedures! …and CANCELLATION POLICY (greater than 90 days!) and note POLICY CHANGE
  • Read about the dive sites before signing up. Some of these are DEEP and these are not guided or training dives.
    Do you have the experience? If I do not know you, please contact me before the sign-up date and let's talk about where/what you want to dive.
  • The general rule is First Come, First Serve!...but where there is conflict, high demand, etc., I do try to give everyone at least one of their choices.
  • All dive trips are planned for two dives, weather permitting and dive sites are conditional upon weather, wind and currents. We try to get where we are scheduled to go...but sometimes it just doesn't work out. In that case, the captain and crew of the Atlantis IV will find the best diving available. [NOTE: The dives sites that are long distances - Normannia, Lobster Wreck, Proteus, etc - always require almost perfect conditions in order to make the trip. Perfect conditions are lottery winning special events off of the NC coast, so keep that in mind.]
  • BFDC SharkQuest Info: The purpose of these dives is to dive with the famous NC sand tiger sharks. These dives will be targeting the set of wrecks where we tend to find the sand tigers: Caribsea, Atlas, Aeolus, Spar. If you want to photograph, observe or swim with the sandtigers will exploring some fun wrecks, these dives are for you. You can signup for 1 to 5 days each week.
    BFDC WreckQuest Info: The purpose of these dives is to dive a series of NC wrecks. Dive sites will be chosen by the group, weather and captains judgement. We hope to hit as many different wrecks as possible. The cost per day will vary by where we go and the requisite fuel surcharge associated with that site. You can signup for 1 to 5 days each week.
  • COVID-19 info:By now, everyone should know the drill and how to protect yourself and others. We will be keeping in place any warnings etc that were in place for the pandemic. We are on a small boat and none of us should engage in behaviors or activities which put others in jeopardy. No one who is sick should be diving...and no one else wants to get sick. Pretty simple.
  • PRICES: The charter price is only for the boat ride and does not include equipment, gas/air, or food, etc.The economics of "6-pack" boats also lend themselves to greater year-to-year price fluctuations as there are fewer paying passengers to spread the costs over. The BFDC likes to dive with small numbers and there is a cost/value to that preference. Additionally, due to the fuel cost volatility some of the charter boats have a "fuel surcharge". This is a $ amount which will be added to the cost of the charter. It will vary according to how much fuel is burned — the longer trip burns more fuel! While I know this is somewhat unpopular, I think it is a fact of life for operations that only have six passengers (vs 20-25) over which to allocate fuel costs. Still a great deal for the adventure of a life time!
  • A word about WAIT LIST: If you are interested in a dive, but see that there is a "waiting list" for the dive, don't despair! This simply means the dive is currently full but I am taking names from anyone who wants to be on the wait list. You may be the first!...or second, etc. Send me an email expressing your interest and you will be added. People's plans and life change during the year, so it is not unusual for spots to open up on individual dives and weekends. Being on the WAIT LIST does NOT obligate you if a spot opens, it simply gives you the option to say YES!
  • Comments/Inquiries to:
May 31 ( Sat.)
NAECO $160* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 1 ( Sun.)
(Port Acon #4300)
$175* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 16
BFDC Shark Quest I $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 17
BFDC Shark Quest I $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 18
BFDC Shark Quest I $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 19
BFDC Shark Quest I $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 20
BFDC Shark Quest I $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 21 ( Sat.)
ATLAS $135* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 22 ( Sun.)
BOX WRECK $160* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 23
BFDC NC Wreck Quest I $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 24
BFDC NC Wreck Quest I $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 25
BFDC NC Wreck Quest I $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 26
BFDC NC Wreck Quest I $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 27
BFDC NC Wreck Quest I $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 28 ( Sat.)
NORMANNIA $175* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 29 ( Sun.)
NAECO - BOW $160* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
June 30
BFDC Shark Quest II $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 1
BFDC Shark Quest II $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 2
BFDC Shark Quest II $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 3
BFDC Shark Quest II $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 4
BFDC Shark Quest II $135 per day * Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 7
BFDC Wreck Quest II $135 *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 8
BFDC Wreck Quest II $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 9
BFDC Wreck Quest II $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 10
BFDC Wreck Quest II $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 11
BFDC Wreck Quest II $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 19 ( Sat.)
CASSIMIR $175* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
July 20 ( Sun.)
PROTEUS $175* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
August 9 ( Sat.)
(Port Acon #4300)
$175* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
August 10 ( Sun.)
NORMANNNIA $175* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
September 29
BFDC Wreck Quest III $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
September 30
BFDC Wreck Quest III $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
October 1
BFDC Wreck Quest III $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
October 2
BFDC Wreck Quest III $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
October 3
BFDC Wreck Quest III $TBD *** Atlantis IV
Morehead City
October 4 (Sat) NORMANNIA $175* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
October 5 (Sun) NAECO $160* Atlantis IV
Morehead City
* plus "fuel surcharge" <— READ THIS SECTION!
*** Dive Sites and Daily Costs (fuel surcharges) will vary each day as conditions, distance traveled and sites dictate.

Unless otherwise noted, all images, photos, text are Paul M. Hudy © 2025 (

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